Package-level declarations
Name | Summary |
ScriptCalendar2 | [JVM] open class ScriptCalendar2 This class makes some of the static methods in com.cohort.Calendar2 accessible to JexlScript scripts as "Calendar2. |
ScriptMath | [JVM] open class ScriptMath This class makes almost all of the static methods in java.lang.Math accessible to JexlScript scripts as "Math. |
ScriptMath2 | [JVM] open class ScriptMath2 This class makes almost all of the static methods in com.cohort.Math2 accessible to JexlScript scripts as "Math2. |
ScriptRow | [JVM] open class ScriptRow This class makes the data on 1 row of a table accessible to JexlScript scripts via "row. |
ScriptString2 | [JVM] open class ScriptString2 This class makes about half of the static methods in com.cohort.String2 accessible to JexlScript scripts as "String2. |