ERDDAP - Strategic Insight Group
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ERDDAP is a scientific data server that gives users a simple, consistent way to download subsets of gridded and tabular scientific datasets in common file formats and make graphs and maps. ERDDAP is Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) originally developed at National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Southwest Fisheries Science Center (SWFSC) Environmental Research Division (ERD).
Over the last decade usage of ERDDAP has increased and what was once a primarily NOAA-driven and -used software tool is now depended upon by over 100 organizations in at least 16 countries. ERDDAP is an open source project, with online resources to support efficient interactions between ERDDAP developers, administrations, and user communities. These include: a GitHub Organization that includes all ERDDAP source code, a GitHub-based issue/discussion process for technical input by developers and contributors, and an active and community-supported user forum for support. It is imperative to maintain this culture of openness and continue growing, supporting, and promoting ERDDAP.
Status of ERDDAP
ERDDAP is NOAA-developed software that is freely open and available for anyone to download, install, use, modify, and redistribute. With the growth of ERDDAP in recent years, NOAA and the user community recognizes the need to establish a more formal and inclusive ERDDAP Insight Group with the goals to foster ongoing international community and organizational support for ERDDAP, provide assistance to ERDDAP developers, and engage the global user community to assist in providing input to ERDDAP developers on prioritizing features for implementation. The global ERDDAP user community should be confident that ERDDAP continues to be strongly supported by NOAA (NMFS/ERD) as well as by an active and engaged international community.
Strategic Insight Group
To help guide ERDDAP advancement and interaction with the global ERDDAP community, a Strategic Insight Group (ERDDAP-SIG) will provide support, oversight and direction for the continued growth of ERDDAP. The functions of this group will include, but not be limited to: promoting the use of ERDDAP in relevant forums; identifying and securing resources for development; representing the global ERDDAP user community in providing additional input to ERDDAP developers; and participate in creating strategic roadmaps or prioritizing functionality enhancements. The group will be selected from a global community of experienced and enthusiastic ERDDAP users, developers and supporters and will include members from NOAA and non-NOAA entities. For more information, email
High Level Goals of the ERDDAP Strategic Insight Group:
- Ensure long term support for ERDDAP development
- Promotion of ERDDAP to the global data community
- Identify ERDDAP enhancements for supporting FAIR data principles and Open Science frameworks
ERDDAP outlook
The ERDDAP community continues to grow and is more vigorous than ever. The development of the ERDDAP-SIG provides a clear opportunity to ensure the continued support, growth and development of ERDDAP and to cultivate the momentum ERDDAP has created in the data management community over the last decade.
Appendix A. SIG Members (as of August, 2024)
- Mathew Biddle - NOAA/NOS/US IOOS (co-chair)
- Eugene Burger - NOAA/OAR/PMEL
- Seth Champagne - U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
- Conor Delaney - EMODnet (European Marine Observation Data Network)
- Roy Mendelssohn - NOAA/NMFS/SWFSC/ERD
- Heather Nicholas - NOAA/NMFS/SWFSC
- Kevin O’Brien - NOAA/OAR/PMEL, UW/CIOCES (co-chair)
- Shane St Savage - Axiom Data Science
- Micah Wengren - NOAA/NOS/US IOOS
Former Members
- Filipe Fernandes - (SECOORA/IOOS)
- Toby Garfield - NOAA/NMFS/SWFSC/ERD (Retired)
- Alex Kerney - Gulf of Maine Research Institute
- Dale Robinson - NESDIS/CoastWatch, UCS/CIMEAS
- Bob Simons - Creator of ERDDAP (Retired)
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