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Latest ERDDAP™ version

2.25, see the changes documentation and download it.

ERDDAP™ information

ERDDAP™ is a scientific data server that gives users a simple, consistent way to download subsets of gridded and tabular scientific datasets in common file formats and make graphs and maps. ERDDAP™ is a Free and Open Source (Apache and Apache-like) Java Servlet from NOAA NMFS SWFSC Environmental Research Division (ERD).

Below you will find relevant links for asking questions and how to contribute.

Search Multiple ERDDAP™s

There are two ways to search multiple ERDDAP™s for datasets: Search Multiple ERDDAP™s and ERDDAP™ Dataset Discovery.

Set Up Your Own ERDDAP™

ERDDAP™ is a Free and Open Source, all-Java (servlet), web application that runs in a web application server (for example, Tomcat (recommended), or Jetty (it works, but we don't support it)). This web page is mostly for people ("ERDDAP™ administrators") who want to set up their own ERDDAP™ installation at their own website.

To get started with an installation read the deploy install guide.

Why use ERDDAP™ to distribute your data?

Because the small effort to set up ERDDAP™ brings many benefits.

  • If you already have a web service for distributing your data,
    you can set up ERDDAP™ to access your data via the existing service.
    Or, you can set up ERDDAP™ to access your data directly from local files.
  • For each dataset, you only have to write a small chunk of XML to tell ERDDAP™ how to access the dataset.
  • Once you have ERDDAP™ serving your data, end users can:
    • Request the data in various ways (DAP, WMS, and more in the future).
    • Get the data response in various file formats. (That's probably the biggest reason!)
    • Make graphs and maps. (Everyone likes pretty pictures.)
    • Build other useful and interesting things on top of ERDDAP's web services -- see the Awesome ERDDAP™ list of awesome ERDDAP-related projects.

You can customize your ERDDAP's appearance so ERDDAP™ reflects your organization and fits in with the rest of your website.

Is the installation procedure hard? Can I do it?

The initial installation takes some time, but it isn't very hard. You can do it. If you get stuck, email me at erd dot data at noaa dot gov . I will help you.
Or, you can join the ERDDAP™ Google Group / Mailing List and post your question there.

Who Uses ERDDAP™

ERDDAP™ has been installed by approximately 100 organizations in at least 17 countries

(Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, France, India, Ireland, Italy, New Zealand, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Thailand, UK, USA), including:

This is a list of just some of the organizations where ERDDAP™ has been installed by some individual or some group. It does not imply that the individual, the group, or the organization recommends or endorses ERDDAP.

NOAA's Data Access Procedural Directive includes ERDDAP™ in its list of recommended data servers for use by groups within NOAA. ERDDAP™ is favorably mentioned in section 4.2.3 of the
Guide de bonnes pratiques sur la gestion des données de la recherche
(Research Data Management Best Practices Guide)
of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in France.

Slide Shows

Here are some PowerPoint slide shows and documents that Bob Simons has created related to ERDDAP.

DISCLAIMER: The content and opinions expressed in these documents are Bob Simons' personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect any position of the Government or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

The Four Main Documents:

Other Presentations:

Presentations By Other People: